Ralph Sergiovanni

Ralph Sergiovanni

Licensing: RES. 0825296

As a licensed REALTOR in the state of Connecticut, Ralph is ready to work tirelessly to bring you an excellent experience in real estate. Being raised in Newtown, he has extensive knowledge of Fairfield county and the surrounding areas. Ralph strives to bring professionalism to his clients, as well as pure loyalty and innovation to ensure their success in the market. He is also completely transparent with his clients always making sure they are aware of all pertinent information that will give them the competitive edge. Ralph has extensive experience in the turfgrass industry that eventually led to him working in corporate irrigation sales. He implements the skills and tools learned from his successes there into his real estate approach providing a unique experience for his clients.

Ralph lives in Newtown with his wife, and when he isn't working hard for you he can be found playing golf, camping, hiking or taking trips.

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